N'Ice Cream Factory - naturalne lody mrożone ciekłym azotem i Warszawa

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PolenN'Ice Cream Factory - naturalne lody mrożone ciekłym azotem



🕗 åbningstider

9/5, Chmielna, 00-027, Warszawa, Warszawa, PL Poland
kontakter telefon: +48 734 417 472
internet side: www.nicecreamfactory.pl
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Latitude: 52.23278, Longitude: 21.017404

kommentar 5

  • Lana Vulana

    Lana Vulana


    Delicious ice cream and waffles, endless options (vodka ice cream ftw) + vegan friendly (you can even get vegan waffles !) Definitely not cheap but worth it

  • en



    Really cool place and good ice cream which you can customize. Also great selection of waffles, smoothie and good coffee.

  • Luis H

    Luis H


    “Surprising nitrogen liquid ice cream” ~20zl. per person What was good? This place offers a big variety of ice cream and toppings. The ice cream base is made by liquid nitrogen and it can be mixed with water “sorbet” or milk. They offer delicious bubble waffles with great coffee. The place is cozy. What can be better? The idea is cool, but the ingredients could be more fresh, specially the fruits. This ice cream is more expensive than other places, but regarding the nitrogen, is a nice experience. Summary: Ice cream ready for an Instagram post.

  • Naman Jain

    Naman Jain


    Liquid nitrogen ice cream. Easily customisable and pretty tasty. Pretty big portion so make sure it doesn't spill on you if you are getting a take out! Good ice cream overall.

  • Lex Disselkoen

    Lex Disselkoen


    I had delicious ice cream here. Because they make the ice cream in front of your eyes you'll have a lot of choice of flavours and bases, so this is fantastic for vegans too. It looks expensive when you see the price but you get a lot for it.

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