La Vanille i Warszawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PolenLa Vanille



🕗 åbningstider

16/22, Krucza, 00-526, Warszawa, Warszawa, PL Poland
kontakter telefon: +48 22 578 22 33
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.2258074, Longitude: 21.0191995

kommentar 5

  • Czarna Róża

    Czarna Róża


    I had the blueberry cupcake, it was really good.

  • Olga Rymartsova

    Olga Rymartsova


    Delicious deserts, tasty tea and very comfortable sofa ;)

  • francesco bellon

    francesco bellon


    Nice place to have a easy but special breakfast

  • Jiaxin Feng

    Jiaxin Feng


    VERY disappointed and being ignored by the bad customer services!!! (Can't deliver based on appointment, seller in Zloty Taras doesn't speak proper English. She was just pretending to listen) I've made a cake booking one day in advance. And I received an e-mail this morning that they can not make this cake until 5pm. I have to cancel the order, and to find another offer somewhere else in 2 hours. This bakery doesn't care about customer's issues at all. I called to the bakery and try to find a solution or alternative choose, but i haven't received any apologies or even a simple sorry from the bakery. I used to go this bakery very often since 4 years ago. And I feel really disappointed to this bakery due to their attitude to me. The seller in Zloty Taras has very negative mood and bad attitude as well. I think if this bakery keep operating in this way, they are gonna say goodbye soon to the market. At least, I won't go there anymore, and I will suggest all of my friend do not make purchases from this bakery anymore.

  • Arden Rubens

    Arden Rubens


    A cute spot with great cupcakes and traditional Polish cakes.

nærmeste Cafe

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