Coctail Bar Max & Dom Whisky i Warszawa

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PolenCoctail Bar Max & Dom Whisky



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32, Nowy Świat, 00-373, Warszawa, Warszawa, PL Poland
kontakter telefon: +48 691 870 000
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Latitude: 52.233587, Longitude: 21.0195372

kommentar 5

  • Julien Guillon

    Julien Guillon


    I really like Dom Whisky upstairs. The bartenders are very knowledgeable, and they do mix an awesome old fashioned with your choice of whisky. Prices are very decent compared to other places, you'll get an excellent whisky sour for the same price as the bars in pawiliony. Only complaint, it does get crowded indeed and you might have to wait a little.

  • Eleni Tremoulaki

    Eleni Tremoulaki


    The place is awesome with a variety of alcohols drinks. The service is very kind and social! Also you can order a cocktail or a drink and they can prepare anything you want. You have to visit it for sure !

  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith


    Impressive interior, with a downstairs round bar whose central liquor cabinet stretches all the way to the ceiling. Downstairs is brighter and more lively, while upstairs is more sit down and sip slowly while discussing the latest cultural developments. Upstairs also has a separated cigar room. The variety of liquor available is vast. The bartenders were friendly and knowledgeable. One made me a very good sazerac. I was there on Saturday night around midnight and it didn't take long to get served. The place is pretty touristy owing to its very central location, but well worth a pit stop

  • Mattia Balzarini

    Mattia Balzarini


    Terrible! Location and design of the bar is great on both floors. High prices are justified by quality and location. Too bad that I stood at the bar 30 minutes waiting for a bartender to take my order. There were 4 bartenders and really few people ordering. After 30 minutes me and my friends just left, same for lot of other people I saw beside me, waiting for 20 minutes or more. Bartenders would just stand and chat between themselves and literally taking 10 minutes to prepare a whiskey sour..

  • Kameliya Kirilova

    Kameliya Kirilova


    Great place for a little cocktail in the afternoon! They have this amazing variety of fruits and drinks and I really loved the fact that you can ask the bartender to put just anything in your drink and make it truly unique. Go get creative!

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