Bollywood Lounge Restaurant, Cocktail & Drink Bar Warszawa i Warszawa

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PolenBollywood Lounge Restaurant, Cocktail & Drink Bar Warszawa



🕗 åbningstider

58, Nowy Świat, 00-363, Warszawa, Warszawa, PL Polonia
kontakter telefon: +48 22 827 02 83
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.2354179, Longitude: 21.0186858

kommentar 5

  • Usman Shahid

    Usman Shahid


    The service is very slow and requires patience after the order to wait. The waiters dont observe new customers which are waiting for menu. This restaurant is not recommended for people who like quiet atmosphere. Its always loud. Food is good.

  • Dariusz Hasiak

    Dariusz Hasiak


    Byłem tutaj kilka razy. Ceny chyba normalne jak na Warszawę i tego typu miejsce. Lokal czysty i nie czeka się zbyt długo na dania. Ogólnie to polecam to miejsce

  • Michał Paluchowski

    Michał Paluchowski


    A magical vibe. We visited the place for a March 8 dinner and it was quite packed. The interior is colorful, vibrant and normally filled with a mist from all the shishas being smoked. There was a live musician playing Indian tunes with chillout, electronic beats. Excellent music in a beautiful scene. The tables for two next to windows are best, because the curtains offer additional silencing and make for a very comfortable stay. We had the tandoori set for dinner, quickly served, very nicely spiced and prepared. Very tasty. It was slightly too much for the two of us, and we didn't even take the rice, so choose your portions well. But staff is happy to pack up anything that's left over.

  • pl

    Robert Janikowski


    Klimat typowo hinduski. Wystrój wnętrz można by dopracować. Wielu klientów, modne miejsce. Duży wybór potraw, które są bardzo smaczne i ładnie podane. W sobotni wieczór wiele osób przychodzi na piwo i sziszę. .. Polecam serdecznie

  • Brenda Campos

    Brenda Campos


    Muy bueno

nærmeste Bar

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