Atlantic Cinema i Warszawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PolenAtlantic Cinema


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33, Chmielna, 00-021, Warszawa, Warszawa, PL Poland
kontakter telefon: +48 22 827 08 94
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Latitude: 52.2316019, Longitude: 21.0125279

kommentar 5

  • Jakub Blank

    Jakub Blank


    great theater, good movie selection, good seats

  • en

    Brandon Lewis


    Nice theater. A little small, so it doesn't have as many options, but it's cheaper than some of the bigger chains.

  • Marry Kowalska

    Marry Kowalska


    Maybe not the best cinema but it is really nice :) Food is quite cheap and tickets too 😀

  • Krzysiek Pielesiek

    Krzysiek Pielesiek


    One of my fav cinema theatres in Warsaw.It migh not be as "classy and modern" as the bigger multiplexes,but has this laidback vibe to it, and is a bit more intimate than the bigger cinemas, which lack soul. You can get your usual selection of popcorn,nachos,candy and soft drinks for your movie. Prices are a bit lower than in the bigger cinemas (also movie tickets are cheaper).The cinema shares its space with a costa coffee. If you're a tourist - 95% of films in Polish cinema's are only subtitled so you will have no problem in viewing as long as you understand the language the movie is in.

  • Lydia Vallee

    Lydia Vallee


    Theatre & Bathroom are clean. Service is great. Reserve seats online. Rewards program available.

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