Zoo w Łodzi i Łódź

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PolenZoo w Łodzi



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8/10, Konstantynowska, 94-303, Łódź, Łódź, PL Poland
kontakter telefon: +48 42 632 75 09
internet side: www.zoo.lodz.pl
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Latitude: 51.7637467, Longitude: 19.4124336

kommentar 5

  • Adam Robak

    Adam Robak


    At the moment not worth visiting since half the zoo is being refurbished or rebuild. Old communist zoo and that is how you feel inside. Only few animals have up to today's standard housings

  • Linda Hilbink

    Linda Hilbink


    Nice zoo! All the animals listed on the zoo map were visable. Some animals have small cages and some are bigger. You can really see they're doing the best they can. They have enrichment for many animals and the animals look healthy. They are working on a big open area for new enclosures so they keep growing. The people who work here are really nice and answer all of your questions. Ofcourse I read the reviews but they are not true. All the animals on the map are visible and the constructionarea isn't botthering at all! I've seen a lot of different zoos and this is a nice small zoo :) I don't understand why people leave such a bad review and tell lies. The map of the zoo is in my pictures and I saw all of them :)

  • Andrzej Szymanski

    Andrzej Szymanski


    Big and nice place, I felt as If it was an endless place with loads of animals. I can not remember everything since I've been here 3 years ago. It's hard to find a parking spot..

  • Michal



    Its hard to judge in my honest opinion - I have not been to many Zoo's apart from the one in Krakow back when I was young. During my visit at the ZOO I felt like something is missing here and the works on the pavment here and there didn't help.Not many animals too and some of the cages just being empty.

  • Adrie Van Wingerden

    Adrie Van Wingerden


    The entree prizes were very low, like almost everything in Poland. It was a nice ZOO with many animals. It was a little disadvantage that they were rebuilding this place and we had to walk a weird route. If you are in Lodz, I would definitely recommend you to visit this ZOO.

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