U Fukiera i Warszawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PolenU Fukiera



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27, rynek Starego Miasta, 00-001, Warszawa, Warszawa, PL Poland
kontakter telefon: +48 22 831 10 13
internet side: www.ufukiera.pl
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.249628, Longitude: 21.011476

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gary Elliott


    Food was disappointing and staff need to learn not to clear the table when some of the party are not finished. We were expecting more from a "Michelin starred" restaurant. This was not up to that standard unfortunately.

  • Yizhou Jiang

    Yizhou Jiang


    Make sure to reserve ahead. When I got there at noon (as soon as they opened), they were fully booked and there was no space at all

  • Nishchal Patel

    Nishchal Patel


    Amazing fine dine. This restaurant has the a dark decor with a warm atmosphere. Staff were extremely welcoming and the waiter had the menu and accompaniments down to a tee. The carnivores amidst my group were overjoyed. Whilst there were vegetarian options I found my pasta dish a little bland, but it's kind of what I expected going with friends to a predominantly meat infested restaurant. Overall, a really good experience.

  • en

    Jan Betkowski


    If you don't mind paying a little bit more for quality then you are home. Sophisticated service from the doorstep, delicious food, atmosphere that provides you comfort and uniqueness of taste. Best Antricot in town.. And no, unfortunately I wasn't payed to write all of this. Just approach the heavy door with boldness and prepare for a long lasting memory of that one meal you had at "U fukiera" in the Warsaw's Old Town.

  • en

    Richard Ulkowski


    Good polish cuisine with an ambience to suit; reasonably well priced based on the tourist location; centrally located with friendly and efficient service. Certainly worth a visit the next time your in the Old Town in Warsaw

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