Trend Apartment Rzeszów i Rzeszów

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PolenTrend Apartment Rzeszów


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4, Tadeusza Kościuszki, 35-030, Rzeszów, Rzeszów, PL Polska
kontakter telefon: +48
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Latitude: 50.0376092, Longitude: 22.0034704

kommentar 1

  • Oleksandr Chuvpylo

    Oleksandr Chuvpylo


    1 The owner did not answer calls and letters all day! Two hours!!! Me, my wife and children could not enter the apartment. The door to the house was opened by a girl from the office in this building. While the owner deigned to pick up the phone, we ourselves found the key under the rug and finally got into the apartment. The owner reported that he did not know about the booking😡😡😡 2 Number is cleaned badly! Beds are tucked up badly and sloppy, I even asked the owner if they changed the linen. 3 Poorly washed pots, dishes and glasses 4 Bed is broken 5 When we leaving, my child left his video player in the apartment I called back the owner and asked how you can take this. The owner replied: "There's no one there, I will not come, try calling in some office, so that you can open the front door. The apartment is not locked." As a result, girl from the next office opened the door in a house. EXTREMELY irresponsible owner!!! I do not recommend!!!

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