TK Maxx i Warszawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PolenTK Maxx



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104/122, Marszałkowska, 00-017, Warszawa, Warszawa, PL Poland
kontakter telefon: +48 22 827 00 04
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.2316661, Longitude: 21.0112428

kommentar 5

  • Mahfuz Rahman

    Mahfuz Rahman


    a good store with clothes and accessories of leading brands, but with reduced affordable price. I bought the products of diesel, michael korr, pierre cardin, gucci, ralph lauren, adidas, esotiq, gap, teffal etc. the only difficulty is to find the chosen one because the store does not invest much in display.

  • Almir Muminovic

    Almir Muminovic


    If you are lucky you can find really good offers, luggage or branded clothing can be found at a fraction of the regular price, but you have to be lucky, make sure to check internet before buying, sometimes you would pay more, but I got some great stuff there

  • Mihai Lazar

    Mihai Lazar


    We had a nice time shopping and we found good offers for us and our families abroad. We would have liked to stay more, but the store closed at 9 o'clock and we would have liked to stay another hour or so.

  • J Hunt

    J Hunt


    Good store with great prices. Perfect when you realize you didn't pack enough t-shirts and socks. It is essentially like TJ Maxx in the US.

  • Olga Rymartsova

    Olga Rymartsova


    Big shop. Huge amount of products and people. But for there is not enough structure. And I don't like queues ;)

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