Noclegi Suseł i Warszawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PolenNoclegi Suseł


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41/43, Przemysława Gintrowskiego, 02-697, Warszawa, Warszawa, PL Poland
kontakter telefon: +48 22 843 53 72
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.1728055, Longitude: 21.0029126

kommentar 5

  • Law Zava

    Law Zava


    Very poor place to sleep. Doors not working properly, walls are papeper-thin, no wifi.

  • en



    Ok for very budget night stay

  • O Roceiro Viajante

    O Roceiro Viajante


    Near the airport , clean room and nice reception! Just the internet is not good but the place is normal !!

  • Karolina Werner

    Karolina Werner


    Literally the worst experience I have ever had! Everything about this place was disgusting! The bed was broken, the TV didn't work, there was trash after other people under the bed... But the bathrooms were the worst! It was insanely dirty, that much that we were trying to avoid taking shower under any cost! The toilets vere dirty as well, offered with limited supply of grey toilet paper that was all in blood or some other liquid, hard to say. It was not even a decent place for hobos. When checking out I saw how "cleaners" were throwing to the floor every towels and beddings, after using them to clean... imagine how insanitary it was, not even washed properly afterwards! DO NOT STAY THERE!!!

  • Swayamtrupta Panda

    Swayamtrupta Panda


    It's a good place with access to internet over wifi. The reception has considerable English speaking and understanding. Absence of kitchen but provision to store food in a common refrigerator. There's a electric kettle and the water through the taps in the kitchen is clean. Walking distance from Galaria Mokotow (one of the largest malls in Warsaw). Bus stops are close-by (Cybernetyki 01 and Gruszczyńskiego 01)

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