Manhattan Gdańskie Centrum Handlowe i Gdańsk

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PolenManhattan Gdańskie Centrum Handlowe



🕗 åbningstider

82, aleja Grunwaldzka, 80-244, Gdańsk, Gdańsk, PL Poland
kontakter telefon: +48 58 767 70 16
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.3773392, Longitude: 18.6074318

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ka Gie


    Nice place, not too busy, great coffee places

  • en

    Danuta McWilliam


    Nice shoppin centre, Althouth a bit small

  • en

    Harm Elderman


    Bit overpriced. The variety of stores is not great and I felt sorry for some of the ladies who sat in 1-person booths where clearly no one visited them for hours.

  • Inal Bakhytkyzy

    Inal Bakhytkyzy


    Good Wi-Fi, shops are usually not crowded. Cozy place.

  • Petter Nilsen

    Petter Nilsen


    The place is nice, but giving the people there only 1 hour accses to the internett is not so good when you are in the library and in need of the internett. But overall it's a okei mall, but there is 2 other shopping malls 5 - 10 minutes away from it, and they are bigger. So if you want to shop, go to them, they are both at the same place, just seperated with like 100 m

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