Grotek Bracia i Warszawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PolenGrotek Bracia



🕗 åbningstider

1, plac Mirowski, 00-138, Warszawa, Warszawa, PL Poland
kontakter telefon: +48 503 595 526
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.238782, Longitude: 20.998267

kommentar 5

  • pl

    Justyna Zagórowicz


    Jajka faktycznie pyszne i warte swojej ceny, mam natomiast zastrzeżenia do pani sprzedawczyni. Odniosłam nieprzyjemne wrażenie, że wartościuje klientów przez wygląd. Niestety potrafi "nie zauważyć" klienta ubranego w dres, ponieważ ten wyglądający bogato jest lepszy.

  • pl

    Bartosz W


    Kupujemy tu jajka od 2 lat i jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni. Jajka o doskonałym smaku i jakości. Bez porównania z tymi z supermarketu.

  • pl

    beata warda


    Sa tam te specjalne jajka "owsiane". Zawsze je kupuje poniewaz sa delikatniesze od innych, od kur karmionych kukurydza. dodatkowo szybka obsluga :)

  • Mateusz k

    Mateusz k



  • tomasz ryzowy

    tomasz ryzowy


    Why GROTEK BROTHERS is the GREATEST PLACE I've ever visited? (Grotek Brothers is famous for surpassing the ultimate standards of retail experience) 1.World's Highest Quality EGGS There is nothing like the sublime taste of their patented eggs. All true to their calling are served directly after their breeding. Thus as a result of their freshness comes their superior taste.(3-layers eggs) 2.The Most Astute and Sharp Customer Service The service there is expert and enthusiastic to the utmost. Ever encounter with them is an invigoration and raises my spirit. 3.The Fully New Concept Of a Company They are not only committed to instill physical health-through eggs. They are devoted to change the way we live by giving us a lifestyle of abundance- 'He who gains health gains time-he who gains time gains everything' is Grotek Brothers mantra 4.If there is One Thing I can Grantee-It's- once You Will Go To Grotek Brothers you will change your beliefs about health- you will change your life, As I Changed Mine To your success

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