Express Rent a Car. Wypożyczalnia samochodów. Oddział i Warszawa

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PolenExpress Rent a Car. Wypożyczalnia samochodów. Oddział


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54, Aleje Jerozolimskie, 00-495, Warszawa, Warszawa, PL Polen
kontakter telefon: +48 22 212 60 97
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.2286857, Longitude: 21.0006209

kommentar 3

  • en

    Maciej Krzeminski


    Worst experience ever: 1. They don;t have any office at the station, so you have to process everything outside on very narrow and busy parking lot. 2. They had a problem with making a hold on my card, so they charged it by full amout of the deposit. I hope there will be no problem with money back. Update: of course there was another problem: communication error, so I have to wait for transfer. 3. They messed up with the return hour so I had to wait for their driver to pick up the car for 2 hours. 4. They have terrible customer service - I have confirmed the precise pick up date with two days ahead, and they don't care. Avoid it.

  • pl

    Marcin Kubik


  • Ksenia Piskun

    Ksenia Piskun


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