Ambasada Irlandii i Warszawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PolenAmbasada Irlandii



🕗 åbningstider

5, Mysia, 00-496, Warszawa, Warszawa, PL Polska
kontakter telefon: +48 22 564 22 00
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.230247, Longitude: 21.020159

kommentar 5

  • Vladyslav Lytvynenko

    Vladyslav Lytvynenko


    Used services of this embassy for 2 times. Both - very fast service, no stress during application and very supportive stuff.

  • en

    S Kelly


    Friendly and knowledgeable staff.

  • Sharne Van der Burgh

    Sharne Van der Burgh


    I am incredibly frustrated and disappointed with the lack of service from this Embassy. I hand delivered a passport application to this office in October 2016 for them to check and leave with them for submission. They didn't check it properly and so I ended up having to go back with some alternative photographs. It is now May 23, 2017 and despite many emails to them, visits to check the status (x2) and phone calls promising that my passport will be "2-3 weeks and we will call you" - that was 7 weeks ago and I have heard nothing. It's ridiculous. Their opening hours are restricted and make it impossible to go there if one is working during the week. I suggest you send the passport applications to another Embassy (probably direct to Dublin) if you want some kind of service.

  • en

    Maksat Musaev


    Very polite and responsive staff.

  • Jacek Data

    Jacek Data


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