XXone Night Club i Warszawa

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PolenXXone Night Club



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53, Aleje Jerozolimskie, 00-001, Warszawa, Warszawa, PL Polonia
kontakter telefon: +48 22 356 20 16
internet side: www.xxone.pl
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.2285763, Longitude: 21.00811

kommentar 5

  • pl

    Roksana Nowak


    Najlepszy klub w Warszawie . Pełen profesjonalizm :) . Najlepsze tancerki w Polsce . Ps. Musze wpierdalac kabanosy bo nie pusciles nas obie do sklepu xDD

  • N R

    N R


    Few girls barely dance, disappointing music , 30 zloty for entry 150 zl for L/D. can give up!!!

  • en



    Great non-pushy service, contact lap-dances, Waitress adorable (Asha), Most dancers are kind and beautiful, Corners : only private dances. Well, after a bad experience in another strip club within the area (total scam attempts all night long), the XXone Night was a really good surprise. The club looks cosy, small and intimate, not crowded. You have to pay a small entrance fee (about 30 PLN on week days) and drinks are not so overpriced for your personal consumption (About 5 EUR one beer) and In comparison to the service provided. For lady drinks, it is another matter… I have been it the club several times in the week and I have been pleased to get some dances in a row with a nice Ukranian blond-haired girl named Angelica. On the stage she is a really good dancer and it will be hard for you to avoid staring her, and she definitely knows it. I really had a good time with her, and private shows were just amazing and memorable. The waitress, which also is a dance instructor is always smiling with you and won’t push you to order what you won’t and was a good person to discuss with. One point : Please consider renewing the outdated sofa. I had a great time, please keep on your good efforts!

  • Stevie Logan

    Stevie Logan


    Saturday night visited XXOne club with my friends, the music was so good that we couldn't sit still and all started dancing and singing, including the girls. We had loads of dances in private room, some of them even by 2 girls at the same time, money well spent!

  • TheErnestPL



    Nie polecam macać tancerek. Łysy połamał mi obydwie łapy i leże w szpitalu a tą recenzje pisze kolega.

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