Stacja Grawitacja Warsaw i Warszawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PolenStacja Grawitacja Warsaw



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12, aleja Bohaterów Września, 02-389, Warszawa, Warszawa, PL Poland
kontakter telefon: +48 726 130 666
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.212393, Longitude: 20.961975

kommentar 5

  • Maja Bednarek

    Maja Bednarek


    Had so much fun! A lot of attractions, all clean and safe. Recommended!

  • ehsan khansari

    ehsan khansari


    Fun place to go even for adults. Price is about 30 zl for one hour

  • Клави Тек

    Клави Тек


    Super, super, super. A lot of fun for kids and parents, sportswear and water is a must. Must visit for sure! Very cool!

  • Aleksandar Hristovski

    Aleksandar Hristovski


    New place for kids and even grown ups to play. Big open space where your kids can have fun, also orginize birthday party. The space where you can wait for the kids is small and not enough chairs. Badly orginized and messy, hard to find place to seat. Parking can be also issue during weekend, so you should park in blue city.

  • en

    Tomasz Woźniak


    Unique place in Warsaw. Huge tent with trampolines, climbing wall and rope park above it all. Can suck you and your teenagers in for as long as your endurance allows. Newly fit and well kept. Cafe bar for observers.

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