Mesa Portuguesa - restauracja portugalska i Warszawa

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PolenMesa Portuguesa - restauracja portugalska



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2A, Dominika Merliniego, 01-999, Warszawa, Warszawa, PL Poland
kontakter telefon: +48 517 776 115
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.1968073, Longitude: 21.027114

kommentar 5

  • en

    A SsS


    Very authentic Portuguese food. It's quite expensive but still good value for money as the ingredients are high quality ones. Will definitely come back many times!

  • en

    maly r


    Great food, smiling staff and hint of azulejos

  • en

    Roberto Lombino


    Very good Portuguese dishes in rather higher prices, but absolutely worth visiting.

  • Alan John Weed

    Alan John Weed


    Cosy restaurant with friendly chef and Traditional food.

  • en

    Jorge Rosario


    Well, I read the only comment negative in this place, from some person that is not very clear. The restaurant is awesome. Im portuguese and I was surprised by the quality, outstanding taste and the service. Very nice people working there, the starters and dessert are from heaven. And the wine... priceless! I would suggest google viewers to make a visit at Facebook page, where real users comment and rate this restaurant. not even a 4 stars. Only 5 stars rating! :) I recommend, and A LOT!

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