Hotel MDM i Warszawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PolenHotel MDM



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1, plac Konstytucji, 00-647, Warszawa, Warszawa, PL Poland
kontakter telefon: +48 22 339 16 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.2214659, Longitude: 21.0164852

kommentar 5

  • en

    alberto peroni


    Excellent location. Room very spacious and recently revamped. Fully equipped. Professional staff. Very very clean

  • en

    Agnes K


    Absolutely loved the place and regret we couldn't stay longer. The rooms were very clean and updated. Very large and well designed space and a comfy bed, quiet and warm. The hotel is located just a short walk away from the main attractions, tons of restaurants close by. The elevator was a little slow but that would be the only minus.

  • Michał Szeląg

    Michał Szeląg


    Nice place to stay in Warsaw. Delicious breakfast and really close to the city center. Eating breakfast there is a wonderful view at Plac Konstytucji area 😀

  • en

    julie Kelly


    Absolutely fantastic hotel. Great access to metro and trams. Breakfasts worth every Zloty! Great value all round.

  • atan two

    atan two


    This hotel is in the middle of one of the most important road of the city center. The rooms are large, really big for a three stars. The hotel faces a noisy road, but double glasses window and a nylon protection in front of the building face keep your sleep protected from the noise. The breakfast is worth, one of the largest choice I've seen in Europe for a three stars. The staff is kind enough, but professional. English spoken largely inside, cash dispenser at the entrance. SPA for beauty treatments, good quality/price ratio. Full score in my humble opinion.

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