Hotel Hanza Gdańsk Centrum - pokoje, konferencje, imprezy okolicznościowe i Gdańsk

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PolenHotel Hanza Gdańsk Centrum - pokoje, konferencje, imprezy okolicznościowe



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6, Tokarska, 80-888, Gdańsk, Gdańsk, PL Poland
kontakter telefon: +48 58 305 34 27
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.3511675, Longitude: 18.6573159

kommentar 5

  • Kati Tuomikivi

    Kati Tuomikivi


    Best location. Great room, we asked room river view and we got a suite. The room was clean and very nice. Breakfast really good. The living areas are comfortable. Short distance to the center and close to many restaurants. Friendly staff. We were in this hotel December.

  • Stephen Baranyi

    Stephen Baranyi


    The hotel was in a very good location ideal for sightseeing and the main tourist attractions. Our room was very clean as was the hotel in general. The breakfast buffet was very nice and had a good variety of hot and cold food to choose from. Overall a very good experience.

  • Johnny Dalen

    Johnny Dalen


    Great location, nice smell in the lobby and excellent staff. The breakfast however should be included in the room price by default. 50PLN per person for a breakfast is way to much when you can get a great breakfast for two anywhere else in the city for the price of one.

  • John William

    John William


    Lovely room. Lovely breakfast, sets you up for the day. Location is perfect as it's situated overlooking the Motlawa River. Highly recommended.

  • Joni Beynon

    Joni Beynon


    We had a really great time at the Hotel Hanza. Very clean and good quality room with an amazing view over the river (Room 202). The room was spacious and had all the things in it that you might expect. If you like a cup of tea with milk, I would suggest you bring your own however! Breakfast was not included in our package but we did pay for it the second day. It was expensive for what it was but convenient. There are other breakfast places which would be cheaper. I cannot however, fault the Hotel Hanza for its location, cleanliness, comfort and size of room.

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