Grizzly Gin Bar i Warszawa

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PolenGrizzly Gin Bar



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Wilcza, 00-001, Warszawa, Warszawa, PL Poland
kontakter telefon: +48 22 307 34 02
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Latitude: 52.2243788, Longitude: 21.0124799

kommentar 5

  • en

    Fabian Lagerblad


    Really awesome bar! Lots of different gin drinks, Nice mode and no smoking inside. Young guy with a bun working in the bar, really rocking the place!

  • en



    Loved this place! After two minutes i got contact with locals! Very chill place with good cocktails and cool music!

  • Piotr Dąbrowiecki

    Piotr Dąbrowiecki


    They have a good selections of gins. We have ordered Hendricks with elderflower tonic and it was served warm with not sufficient amount of ice. This place is ok, but I would expect something more from a gin place.

  • en

    Marta Trybura


    Perfect place for gin lovers. Definitely worth your visit. Grizzly Gin Bar organizes concerts and they have happy hours (4-8p.m.) two gin&tonic for 20PLN (

  • Michal N

    Michal N


    Had a great time with friends here. Loved the atmosphere, the music was good, the bartenders made sure our glasses were never empty for long, and they were never wrong with their suggestions. We were planning to go visit a few other places, but ended spending most of the evening here!

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