Exotic Club i Warszawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PolenExotic Club



🕗 åbningstider

31, Nowogrodzka, 00-511, Warszawa, Warszawa, PL Poland
kontakter telefon: +48
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.2289398, Longitude: 21.0137062

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sony Ng


    One of the WORST experience i have EVER encountered. Worst attitude and bad behavior from the waitress. We came in and left immediatly because of the robbery. If you want to get robbed, then this is the place to be. They said 20 PLN for a beer. But want you to pay 10 for service for 1 BEER?!?. Dont EVER go to exotic!!!

  • jack o'connell

    jack o'connell


    These people are thieves, plain and simple. And the girls are not even nice

  • en

    Vincent DODARD


    JUST DON'T GO ! With some friends we've lost thousands of Euros here and almost my own life because they are getting you way to much drunk !! Please don't go there at any cost !

  • Frank De Smedt

    Frank De Smedt


    They lure you in and try to steal from you in every possible way (trying to get you drunk asap with 'free' shots, this is an avoid at all cost place.

  • darshan patel

    darshan patel


    I don't like this club bcz they cheated u and told u come in private room and enjoy but that they cheat u so plzz beware of this and enjoy and gave u shots free it's too much hard and make u too much drunk so plz plz plz beware of this. Sometimes it's give u enjoy moments but plzz take care Thank you

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