Blooms Boutique Hostel Inn & Apartments i Poznań

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PolenBlooms Boutique Hostel Inn & Apartments



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2, Kwiatowa, 61-881, Poznań, Poznań, PL Poland
kontakter telefon: +48 61 221 44 48
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Latitude: 52.4024223, Longitude: 16.930178

kommentar 5

  • en

    chiara Fugazza


    Nice bad nice atmohswer but a bit overprice like for Pozan czyznieprawdasz no and back i allwas open what is nice ... was havig fun key 303

  • en

    Kristian Tang Madsen


    Great rooms big and airy, nice clean bathrooms, nice people in reception, even has a balcony in reception. Would recommend

  • en

    Simon Degerman


    Veeery nice, very clean, nice localisation. It got a fridge, sink, stove, toaster etc. Only minor complaints is that the shower got no splash protection so the bathroom floor gets all wet after a shower. But apart from that it's perfect.

  • en

    Stelios Sabbath


    Such a safe and cheap choice, if you are travelling solo or not. The staff is so helpful, like the most Polish people we met. I highly recommend it if you ever be in Poznan!!

  • alex del giulio

    alex del giulio


    Good place for basic accommodation needs. There is a really nice and relaxed atmosphere, the staff was really friendly and helpful and the rooms were acceptable and cosy. Not suggested if you're looking for a totally quiet, noise free place. Rooms are not acoustical insulated and you can hear a lot of noise, especially if you're sleeping next to the reception/kitchen.

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